Welcome to the Doblado Notary in Tarragona!

Behind every deed there is a person.

In a notary office, in any notary office, legal documents are authorized.

In my notary office, as a person, my added value is my passion for this work and my closeness to my clients. When I was little, at home, they told me: treat others how you want to be treated. And that's what I do. Together with my team, we will welcome you and treat you in the best possible way.

I always try to build trust and to be the bridge that facilitates the important moments in the life of each of our clients. Putting yourself in the other person's shoes, helping, explaining, and reassuring. Doing things right so that clients can ask questions and receive all the information they need.

You are not going to sign the document alone, we are going to sign it together.

We understand that behind each document there is a story, a future that is being built. For this reason, we not only limit ourselves to fulfilling our professional duty, but we strive to be close, to understand the concerns and aspirations of each person who comes to us.

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One of the most precious virtues of our notary's office is the loyalty of our clients. We are proud to say that the vast majority of them return to us at different stages of their lives, trusting in our expertise and dedication. The greatest recognition we can receive is when our clients recommend us to their friends and family. It is an honour to know that our notary's office is seen as a place of trust and security.

In the heart of this wonderful city, we have been witnessing unique and significant stories for 14 years. In this time, we have witnessed countless dreams come true and our mission has been to provide peace of mind and security every step of the way. From purchasing a first home to planning a will, we have been there, guiding and providing the necessary peace of mind every step of the way.

We want to be your support in important moments.

Because we know that behind every deed there is a person.

So if you are in Tarragona and need notarial advice, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to be part of your story.

Thanks for trusting us!

Notary Ángel María Doblado

Born in Tarragona, he studied at Turó School and Rovira i Virgili University.

First student of the Erasmus programme at the Faculty of Law.

Molla Rudiez Foundation Award for my brilliant academic record.

Extraordinary end-of-degree award from the Ministry of Education.

He is a speaker at conferences with the university and a teaching collaborator in the master's degree in access to the legal profession.

Aware of the importance of the image transmitted and discretion, he voluntarily maintains a very low profile on social networks.

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